Thursday, February 20, 2014

Psychedelic Science


     Fabian Oefner is a photographer and artist who wants to blend the disciplines of art and science. His psychedelic images capture natural phenomena and present them in unique and eye-catching ways. To date, subjects have included sound waves, iridescence, even magnetic ferroliquids and fire. His aim: to create images that appeal to both a viewer's heart and brain.

Dancing Colors “The Pillar” (2013). This is a visualization 
of sound. Colored crystals leap from the surface of a 
speaker as it emits sound waves. More starting at 2:13 in 
Oefner’s talk.
     The beauty of this talk is not simply based in the extraordinary visual images presented, but also in capturing the imagination of the young. The amalgamation of science and art is a modern cultural recovering. something that has been lost in the modern age. Society's framing of science as "rationality" and art as the opposite does a disservice to mankind, leading to the false dichotomy that one must choose science or art. Yet in past worlds like the Renaissance or the most ancient civilizations science and art were simply different expressions of the human pursuit of truth and beauty in the world around us.

     It is unfortunate that the popular conception of"art" right now is so heavily visual, when much of the beauty around us does not lie in the 400-700nm range of light that our eyes comprehend. Rather, the beauty in the science is like music, or a good book, requiring us to really sit down and listen or read. I hope talks like Mr. Oefner's encourages many more people to take the time to immerse themselves in the vast, unseen world!

     Results are extraordinary in spite of coming from very ordinary things—sound speakers, magnets and whiskey. Sometimes the beauty and wonder of two opposing disciplines can be brought out and magnified by their counterparts.

Millefiori No. 01 (2012). Ferrofluid is a magnetic, hydrophobic liquid that 
forms colorful curves and channels when deposited onto a magnet and
injected with watercolor paints. More starting at 5:20 in Oefner’s talk.
   "Science and art both look at the world around us, yet do it in very different ways, " he says. "Art approaches the world in an emotional way; science approaches in a rational way. I would like to do both at once, to speak to the viewer's heart and brain."

     To Oefner, the process is as important as the product. After showing some of his still images- full of vibrant colors, abstract shapes, luminescent blobs, swirls and iridescent light- Oefner presents some of his techniques to the audience. In a video, he shows how he makes sound waves visible by placing colored crystals on top of a speaker covered by a plastic sheet, shooting their movements using a camera that takes 5, 000 frames per second. The result: explosions of color in concentric circles and cascades.

Grain of Scent (2013) Tiny individual droplets of a liquid mixed with spray 
paint hang in the air for a fraction of a second, forming a scent sculpture.

     Every single photograph, whether analogue or digital, is a marvellous demonstration of science, but the science part is the part that's often taken for granted - it's often in the background of our lives. The same could be said for paint manufacturing, audio equipment from wax cylinders to MP3 players, moving image from zoetropes to midair projections and 3D TVs... All are the outcome of creative science, encouraged by humanities' desire to explore, express and create. So you could argue that the fact we all carry cameras in our pockets today is thanks to art and science working together.

     Live, he demonstrates how ferrofluids on a magnet form spikes in the viscous black liquid, adding watercolors with a syringe to form otherworldly patterns as the fluids flow around each other. And in a nod to our Edinburgh hosts, he sets a small amount of its national drink alight in a large glass flask to show how he obtained stills of the flame traveling down through alcohol.
Marbelous No. 05 (2013) An unusual look at the properties of oil, 
as colorful marbles of oil paint float in a solution of water and 
methylated spirits.
     Why do this? “Most of the time we don’t pay much attention to the unseen and poetic,” he says. “I hope to make the viewer stop and think for a moment and consider the beauty that surrounds us every day.”

    The worlds of art and science are not so separate for me.

     Arts and Sciences are a perfect combination. It's time to realize that a lot of famous scientists have had a very artistical approach to their work.

     Science is nothing without Art. Maybe it's also the other way around.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Using Science and Technology in Order to Improve Our MSMEs

credits to
Because it will be entering the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015, a program which aims to unite all ASEAN countries into a single integrated economic body, the Philippine government is now taking measures to improve on its competitiveness in order to ensure its national development.

One of the proposed projects of the country is to improve on its Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) through the integration of Science and Technology (S&T) innovations.

credits to
MSMEs have a huge role in promoting the country’s economic development. They contribute in not only providing employment to the people, but also in the decentralization and industrialization of the rural areas as well as the use of indigenous resources. As of 2009 the MSMEs account for 99.6% of all the registered businesses in the country, providing employment for 63% of the labor force and accounting for 35.7% of the total sales and value added to manufacture. (Santos, 2013) As the former Senator Edgardo Angara (Angara, 2011) put it: “MSME’s are the real backbone of the economy. People do not realize that your businesses have greater direct impact on Filipinos’ lives than do big players” Given these values it is clearly seen that in improving our local MSMEs, the economic situation of the Philippines could greatly improve.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), with its program Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP), it will aid the MSMEs to adopt the much needed technological innovations in order to improve the efficiency and quality of their products and services, thus contributing to their overall competitiveness.

Through SETUP, the MSMEs will be able to successfully address and implement changes in their technological problems and be able to deliver their products and services more. The 8 priority industries for SETUP are as follows:

Food Processing
Gifts, Decors and Handicrafts
Aquatic and Marine
Metals and Engineering
Information and Communication Technology
One of the beneficiaries of
the DOST-SETUP Program
credits to

One of the beneficiaries of this SETUP program in the Cordillera Region is the Tawid Silver of the Tawid Crafts Corporation, a family-owned business which manufactures top-quality handcrafted jewellery using the indigenous materials found in the region. From its humble beginnings in 1992, it grew to a corporation through the help of the DOST-SETUP program. With aid of the DOST-Cordillera Regional Office, the business has received an automatic vacuum wax injector, rotary tumbler, and double frame, among many others. In addition to that, they also received free training seminars and consultation services from the department which proved to be a huge aid in their growing business venture.

As of late 2013, the DOST-SETUP has already aided around 200 MSMEs in the Cordillera region. Likewise, other satellite offices of the DOST-SETUP around the country had also produced more or less the same results.


Bitonio, J. (2012, November 11). Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). SlideShare. Retrived
February 4, 2014, from

Dar, C. (2014, February 3). DOSTs SETUP: Boosting MSMEs competitiveness thru S&T
innovations.Philippine Information Agency. Retrieved February 4, 2014, from

Technology and Magic: possible?

Undeniably true that technology makes things easier and faster for us to do things. Sometimes technology even makes impossible seems like possible to happen. With the help of technology, we can already do things that we can not do before like going to the moon, curing diseases that we couldn't before, communicating with other people who's on the other side of the world and many more. Technology, sure, gives us a lot of possibilities and convenience in our life however, what new can technology give us? How far can technology cross the line of impossibilities, like for example, magic? Then, how about we combine technology with magic, is it possible?

For Marco Tempest, "a cyber illusionist who combines magic and technology to produce remarkable illusions", may think that it is not impossible for magic and technology. 
He is interested to develop new form of contemporary illusions where the advance technology and the expansion of the internet allow him to create new and amazing illusions. "Marco continues to perform around the world, is a media consultant on the subject of magic and illusion and lectures at international conferences on the psychology of deception and creative thinking.

Here are some short videos of Marco Tempest performing his talent on contemporary magic and illusion on TED.

In this video, Marco shows another way of storytelling with the use of illusion and, of course, technology. Storytelling, for most of us, had been part of our childhood days or still up until now. Most of us are fond of telling stories to our families and friends, especially parents who read stories to their children before they go to bed. Marco, then, shows us exciting way of how we can, though we still have to practice a lot to be as talented as him, tell stories in a fun and enjoyable manner.

Another video of his contains about the magic of truth and lies using three iPods. 

Lastly, it may seem that technology makes impossible possible but we still couldn't say the technology no longer has flaws in its own. 

More brilliant and amazing stuff about magic and technology by Marco Tempest in and Youtube.