Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Technology and Magic: possible?

Undeniably true that technology makes things easier and faster for us to do things. Sometimes technology even makes impossible seems like possible to happen. With the help of technology, we can already do things that we can not do before like going to the moon, curing diseases that we couldn't before, communicating with other people who's on the other side of the world and many more. Technology, sure, gives us a lot of possibilities and convenience in our life however, what new can technology give us? How far can technology cross the line of impossibilities, like for example, magic? Then, how about we combine technology with magic, is it possible?

For Marco Tempest, "a cyber illusionist who combines magic and technology to produce remarkable illusions", may think that it is not impossible for magic and technology. 
He is interested to develop new form of contemporary illusions where the advance technology and the expansion of the internet allow him to create new and amazing illusions. "Marco continues to perform around the world, is a media consultant on the subject of magic and illusion and lectures at international conferences on the psychology of deception and creative thinking.

Here are some short videos of Marco Tempest performing his talent on contemporary magic and illusion on TED.

In this video, Marco shows another way of storytelling with the use of illusion and, of course, technology. Storytelling, for most of us, had been part of our childhood days or still up until now. Most of us are fond of telling stories to our families and friends, especially parents who read stories to their children before they go to bed. Marco, then, shows us exciting way of how we can, though we still have to practice a lot to be as talented as him, tell stories in a fun and enjoyable manner.

Another video of his contains about the magic of truth and lies using three iPods. 

Lastly, it may seem that technology makes impossible possible but we still couldn't say the technology no longer has flaws in its own. 

More brilliant and amazing stuff about magic and technology by Marco Tempest in TED.com and Youtube.





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