Saturday, March 8, 2014

Beautiful Eyes *blink blink*

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“the eyes are the windows to the soul" well not only to the soul but, maybe, to the heart as well. The openings at the center of our irises mirror more than what are on the outside. Researches show that men find women with dilated pupils more attractive than women who don’t.

The autonomic nervous system is in charge with the dilation and constriction of the pupils, which is also responsible for other involuntary actions like goose bumps and heart rates. In a 1965 Scientific American magazine article, psychologist Eckhard Hess described an intriguing experiment [2]. While showing his research assistant James Polt a series of photographs, Hess tracked changes in the diameter of Polt's pupil size. Lo and behold, Polt's pupils enlarged most dramatically when a picture of a nude woman flashed before his eyes, leading Hess to hypothesize that sexual arousal stimulates the pupils. Further experimentation found heterosexual people's pupils dilated when staring at opposite-sex nudes, whereas homosexual participants exhibited that pupillary response when looking at same-sex nudes, offering further confirmation of a link between sexual interest and dilation.

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Additionally, the researchers noticed a compelling clue about how the eyes may influence physical attraction. Not only do pupils dilate in response to amusing material, but people also rate faces with bigger pupils as more attractive than those looking back with fuller irises.

Italian women were very much into making themselves attractive they dilated their pupils with 'belladonna' which actually translates to beautiful woman. This plant secretes atropine which not only cause pupil dilation but also death-because of the toxin it contains.

A study by the psychologist Eckhardt Hess showed that when presented photographs of digitally enhanced pupils, men found doe-eyed women more attractive.

[1] Conger, Cristen.  "Does love make your pupils dilate?"  12 February 2012. <>  08 March 2014.
[2] By Robert Morris Stern, William J. Ray, Karen S. Quigley.Psychophysiological Recording. 2001.

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